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Charity Golf

Andrew Crockett, aka AC, has a solid history of communicating with golf clubs, their General Managers, Directors of golf, club captains and dedicated committee members right across Australia. You can learn more about that here.

Charity Golf Event

Sourcing club news, reporting on significant golf events and assisting charity's and foundations to run more effective charity golf days at some of Australia's best golf courses.

Charity Golf Fundraiser

Working with causes such as youth homelessness, cancer research, prostate and dementia foundations, Crohns and Colitis association, flood relief and Diabetes research, charity golf days are a brilliant way to galvanise local communities and members of golf clubs to focus their love of golf on raising much needed funds. And it is good fun!

Many golf clubs just need a bit of a helping hand to get their charity day some more sponsorships and media exposure. Fortunately through Inside Golf magazine and other golf media partners, we can assist these charity days to run even more smoothly, offer better prizes and ultimately funnel more donations to people in need.

"I relish working with golf clubs in Australia, their general managers and directors of golf to put together media releases that broadcast the charitable aspects of golf days to local, state and national media companies." Andrew Crockett

Public Relations

Having been engaged in a PR capacity in the surfing, music and golf industry for over 20 years, I assist brands to cross-pollinate their offering through industry and media platforms. My focus is networking and aiding brands (that I believe in) to get more and more of our attention. With friends across several industries and media partners that are often looking for mutual associations, I help brands reach their market in ways they had previously not thought possible.

Currently not seeking any new clients, but happy to engage in conversation with passionate brand managers and people engaged in effective altruism. If you have a passion for a new project, or an existing project that needs funding or more exposure, my line is open for communication. I relish discussions with the entrepreneurial mindset.